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"The History of The United States, As Told Through its Vices."

Dec 12, 2022

Dan Quayle's name conjures up images of late-night comedian jokes and verbal gaffes, but he may have offered a little-known service to the President he served.  In this episode, we discuss George H.W. Bush's vice president, including his ups and downs, and even his recent role in advising Mike Pence during the Jan 6,...

Sep 3, 2022

Though Richard Nixon's presidency would get most of the attention of history, his time as Vice President was formative.  He was one of several veeps that helped modernize the office.  He was more active on foreign trips than his predecessors.  He even came under attack and was heralded for his calm nerves.  He acted as...

Jun 28, 2022

We look at the Vice President who - maybe - described the office as a "bucket of warm spit."  That's a bit more questionable than some accounts, even my own podcast, makes it out to be.  (He never said it directly to any reporter).   

The sometimes supporter of the New Deal and sometimes not VP may have been its most...